To get a quote for your customized version
of Mr. Bike's Safe Bicycling booklet for adults and teens,
please answer these questions.
to submit your answers.
4 . Name of our existing booklet on which you want to base your
5 . Ad or message for the inside front cover (pick one):
a. Client supplies
b. Wordspace Press supplies, with client
6. Identify the pages and paragraphs to which you'd like to make
other changes. To do this, you can either mark up a copy of the
existing booklet and send it to us, or provide a detailed list.
7 . Other material you want covered (not in the existing booklet):
8. How youll give us the material in #7 (pick one):
a. Client identifies the subjects to be covered;
Wordpace Press writes the text
b. Client provides the complete text
9. If your area has a bicycle helmet law, what does it say?
10. If your area has other laws pertaining to bicycling (e.g.,
headphones, bells), what do they say?
11. List the photos and drawings in the existing booklet that
you want to change.
12. How youll give us the material in #11 (pick one):
a. Wordspace Press provides
b. Client provides paper copies
c. Client provides electronic files
13. How many other photos and drawings do you want?
14. How youll give us the material in #13 (pick one):
a. Wordspace Press provides
b. Client provides paper copies
c. Client provides electronic files
15. Total number of copies you want to print:
This year:
Next year:
16. Who handles printing (pick one):
a. Client handles the printing (Wordspace
Press provides electronic
pre-press files from which a printing
vendor prints).
b. Wordspace Press handles the printing and
ships booklets to the client.